Why Understanding Visibility Map in PostgreSQL is Crucial for Index Only Scans

Recently, I started a book club to explore Database Internals by Alex Petrov. Diving into the book has been a fascinating journey into the inner workings of databases. One topic that caught my attention during my follow up research was the concept of Index Only Scans in PostgreSQL.

At first glance, they seemed like the perfect optimization for read-heavy queries, but as I dug deeper, I discovered a less obvious challenge—the role of the visibility map and how it can significantly impact performance. This realization led me to explore why understanding the visibility map is so important and how it ties into the effectiveness of Index Only Scans.

What Is a Visibility Map?

A visibility map (VM) in PostgreSQL is a lightweight metadata structure that tracks the visibility status of table pages. Each bit in the visibility map corresponds to a single page in the table. If a bit is set, it means:

  1. All tuples on that page are visible to all transactions ("all-visible").
  2. Optionally, the page is frozen, meaning it contains tuples that no longer require transaction ID (XID) checks for visibility.

This information is stored in a separate file alongside the table’s main data files. The visibility map allows PostgreSQL to optimize operations like vacuuming and Index Only Scans.

Why Was the Visibility Map Introduced?

The visibility map was introduced to address two main challenges:

  1. Efficient Vacuuming: Vacuum operations need to clean up dead tuples to prevent table bloat. The visibility map helps PostgreSQL skip pages that don’t have dead tuples, reducing the time and I/O required for vacuuming.

  2. Index Only Scans: When using an index to retrieve data, PostgreSQL typically needs to verify the visibility of each row by consulting the heap (table data files). The visibility map enables PostgreSQL to bypass the heap lookup for pages marked "all-visible," making Index Only Scans significantly faster.

Sounds good. Let me divert here to talk a little bit more on how Index Only Scans work and why we care.

An Index Only Scan is a query optimization where PostgreSQL retrieves data directly from an index without consulting the table’s heap. This can drastically reduce I/O operations for queries that only need indexed columns.

This optimization can save significant time for read-heavy workloads, especially when combined with frequent vacuuming to keep the visibility map up-to-date.

It makes sense, as in few scenarios you don't need to fetch all of columns from heaps and you can cheat by using data in index files themselves. Such scenarios are rare, but Index Only Scans shine if in a rare and lucky case where you just need a few columns, like JOIN-ing with other tables.

The Pitfalls of Using Index Only Scans

While Index Only Scans sound ideal in theory, their effectiveness depends heavily on the accuracy of the visibility map. Here are some challenges:

1. Outdated Visibility Map

  • The visibility map is updated by vacuum operations. If a table hasn’t been vacuumed recently, many pages may not be marked "all-visible," even if the tuples on those pages are visible to all transactions.
  • As a result, PostgreSQL may fall back to regular Index Scans, negating the performance benefits.

2. Frequent Updates and Deletes

  • Tables with high update or delete activity often have pages that aren’t "all-visible" because some tuples are in transitional states (e.g., marked for deletion but not yet vacuumed).
  • In such cases, Index Only Scans may not provide a significant advantage.

3. Large Tables Without Regular Vacuuming

  • For very large tables, the visibility map becomes increasingly critical. If autovacuum doesn’t run frequently enough, or if vacuuming doesn’t complete due to aggressive workloads, the visibility map can become stale.


Understanding the visibility map in PostgreSQL is critical for maximizing the performance benefits of Index Only Scans. The visibility map acts as a bridge between efficient index usage and transactional visibility, enabling PostgreSQL to skip unnecessary heap lookups. However, its effectiveness relies on regular maintenance, such as vacuuming, to ensure it remains accurate and up-to-date.
